Need for Happiness
We human beings are in search of happiness from time immemorial. Different religions and philosophers have deliberated on happiness. There have been long debates and discussions on the concept and definitions of happiness, the paths to happiness, and many other aspects of happiness.
In India, happiness has its origins, most probably in the Vedic age (c. 1500 – c. 500 BCE). There is a large volume of knowledge and literature on happiness from many revered people from various walks of life shared in multiple sources, including scriptures going back to the Vedic age (c. 1500 – c. 500 BCE). Not only ideas, philosophies, and literature but also various applications of these for the practice of happiness, such as compassion, meditation, and yoga, were also created and practised over a long time in this ancient Indian civilisation. Indeed, happiness and India have a very long association.
“Sarve bhavantu sukhinaha, sarve santu niramaya
Sarve bhadrani pasyantu, ma kaschid dukhabhaga bhavet.”
(May all be happy, may all be free from disease, May all perceive good and may not suffer from sorrow).
( Source: Based on India’s Puranic Wisdom)
Globally, in the last two decades, there is a lot of research on happiness from various aspects using scientific methods, including what makes people happy, how to be happy etc. Though there is a lot of rich literature on happiness, there is a need for more practice of happiness. Also, there are increasing levels of stress and mental health issues, particularly in cities. The pandemic of COVID-19 is also making people rethink various aspects of life, including happiness.
The primary purpose of humans is to be happy, as other purposes ultimately lead to happiness. Since happiness is so important, we cannot leave it to chance, and there is a need for a happiness strategy in our lives.
Who We Are
Honorary Chairman

Prof Rajesh K Pillania
Dr Rajesh K Pillania is the leading researcher and teacher on happiness in India, popularly called India’s Happiness Professor. He has written eleven books and reports on Happiness such as Happiness Strategy book (2019); Happiness Diary: My Experiments with Happiness (2020); India Happiness Report 2020, India Cities Happiness Report 2020, World Happiness 2021, World Happiness 2022 and India Happiness 2022. These works are the first of their kind in India. His work is endorsed by many industry stalwarts and global leading thinkers in happiness, including HH Dalai Lama, management legend Prof Philip Kotler and Marshall Goldsmith, the #1 Executive coach.
He is on the advisory board of many esteemed international research journals¸ professional bodies and conferences consisting of leading international academicians¸ industry leaders and policymakers. He is recognised for his extensive research, jointly ranked number one in average research productivity among management faculty (including IIMs and IITs) in India.
He has taught thousands of students and executives about happiness strategy. He is teaching a popular course Happiness Strategy in the PGPM program at MDI, Gurgaon. His teaching and training focus on adding value to the participants by explaining concepts in an innovatively simple and fun way focusing on the application of concepts using experiential learning. He is a prolific writer, a popular teacher, and a highly sought-after trainer on happiness, strategy and innovation. His research and academic experience include Panjab University, Chandigarh; the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, College Park, USA; Harvard University, among others.
For more see www.pillania.org